Are you ready to start taking care of yourself? You can make small changes that will lead to a happier, healthier you. Just a few extra minutes in a day is all it takes to get you on the fast track to a healthier life!
- Drink more water. Switch out sugary juices and sodas for more water. There are loads of benefits to drinking more water like clearer skin, curbing your appetite, and helping digestion to name a few. If you really can’t stand ‘just water’ try cutting up some fresh strawberries with lemons and limes and leaving them in a pitcher of water overnight to add natural flavors.
- Take 30 minutes a day to exercise. Take a walk, a bike ride, or just play at the park with your kids. It doesn’t have to be a full on sweaty workout to do your body some good! You will notice the improvement in your mood right away too!
- Eat more fruits and veggies. Try adding just one serving of fruits or veggies to every meal and eventually add another. Fruits and veggies are full of nutrients and fiber that will help fill you up. Try and eat a colorful variety.
- Pamper yourself. Just 10 minutes a day to focus on you will make a world of difference. Take a bath, read a book, apply some nail polish… You are worth it!
- Get enough sleep. Adults need about 8 hours of sleep at night. Getting enough sleep helps with weight loss and stress management. To make sure that you fall asleep on time shut off electronics 1-2 hours before bedtime so you have a chance to wind down.
- Create a happier mindset. Don’t dwell on the past and things you can’t change. Learn from mistakes and missed opportunities and move on. Try to get out of the habit of complaining; for one day wear a bracelet and every time you complain switch the bracelet to the opposite arm. This will help you realize just how much negative energy you are wasting!