Eating These Foods Can Prevent Illness

More often than not, we wait until we are so sick that we cannot possibly go to work, although we may try. Sometimes we will go to work sick as dogs and amp ourselves up with as many over-the-counter medicines as we can stand. Not only is this not good practice for our own bodies, it is not fair to those around us, either.

Eating These Foods Can Prevent Illness

It would make so much more sense if we only set up the good practice of eating right for good health in the first place. While it may seem time-consuming to prepare and eat healthy foods, there are many foods that can go along with us as we race through our day. Foods such as broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower are great as snacks even with a little side dip to go along with it.

There are many ways that eating the right foods can do for preventing illness. Food is for our benefit not for our detriment. Like anything else, you just have to know how to use such a powerful tool.

Eating These Foods Can Prevent Illness

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have so much to offer us, but how many do we really eat during the course of our day? If you knew just how much fruit and vegetables have to offer, you would certainly want to take more of these into your body rather than taking more pills and medicines.

Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer may be preventable by eating the proper foods in the first place. Five servings (or more) of fruits and vegetables daily, whether it is fresh or frozen, are optimal for preventing illnesses in the first place.

Eating fruits and vegetables may even lower cholesterol and the risk of stroke, and may lessen obesity.


Legumes such as beans, lentils, and kidney beans are high in fiber, potassium, protein, folate, and magnesium just to name a few. Beans are great to mix in a salad, throw in a wrap, or make into a hearty soup.

Legumes offer vitamin C as well. Eating legumes can help prevent illnesses such as migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and even arthritis.

Fish and Shellfish

Fish has always been a great source of Omega 3, but also offers protein, B-vitamins, niacin, and iron. Eating fish and shellfish can assist with maintenance of certain types of diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis, not to mention being an excellent source for healthy skin and hair.

If you think about it, food provides us with everything we need to keep and stay healthy and fit. So, why not explore some healthier food choices and incorporate them into our daily routine for optimal health.

To break it down, you should be eating lots of fruits and veggies and get your protein from beans and legumes, and lean meats like chicken, turkey and fish. And drink lots of water!

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