Getting to the point where you look and feel healthy is often hard to come by for many people. Losing weight is a serious problem these days and some people are getting desperate, grasping onto whatever product promises the best and fastest results. Losing weight can happen with these products but the results are often short-lived and the process is unhealthy. Once you are done using the gimmicky products and fad diets, your body bounces back to where you started – overweight and unhappy.
Misconceptions About Burning Body Fat that just set you up to Fail!
There are tons of “tips and tricks” about losing weight online, in magazines, in books… etc. You can find a hundred different “plans” in one google search! Unfortunately, a lot of the “helpful ideas” are just unhealthy and unrealistic gimmicks. Burning body fat requires a lifestyle change with healthy eating and consistent exercise. Check out these common misconceptions about burning body fat and don’t fall for gimmicks again!
10 Powerful Healing Foods
Whether you feel tired and run down or maybe you are looking to power up your immune system. You may not realise that one of the best ways of improving how you feel and recovering your vitality is through the foods you eat. The following is a list of some of the most powerful healing foods on the planet.
A Calm Mind Is A Healthy Mind
For many people, a small amount of stress is a part of everyday life and they may not recognise that it has a negative impact on their overall health. Studies have shown that feeling stress or anxiety on a long-term basis doesn’t just affect your peace of mind. In fact, you’re more likely to suffer from things like digestive issues and a weak immune system if your mind is persistently stressed.
Mud Hero 2016 Race Recap
Last weekend we went to Mud Hero in Nova Scotia. It was our second year participating (read my recap from last year here!). We had such a blast last year that we couldn’t wait to do it again! We had an awesome time this year too!
Easy Tips for Better Oral Hygiene. #HealthyRoutines
One of my goals for this year is to whiten my teeth. There are several ways you can help whiten your teeth and have better oral hygiene overall. I have started a few new habits and also found some amazing products that are helping me get my teeth pearly white.
Back Brace to Ease Lower Back Pain.
After spending 4 hours at Taekwondo my back is always screaming for me to take a seat and relax. Thankfully there are things I can use to ease the pain!