We all know that college students are often on a strict budget. Sometimes we try and skimp on the important things, like our food and taking care of ourselves, when funds are low. That’s why I am sharing these Tips for helping Students Live Healthier on a Budget!
It’s no secret that students are often living on a very tight budget that allows for little wiggle room. But with some smart planning, budgeting, will power and dedication, anyone can live healthy on a budget! Avoiding that ‘freshman 15’ is very important for our physical and mental well being. Not only does putting on extra weight increase your risk of heart disease, but it can also seriously affect our self-confidence and mental health.
Tips for helping Students Live Healthier on a Budget:
- First of all it’s very important that you build a budget and stick to it. Dave Ramsey’s envelope system is a great way to stick to your financial goals and keep track of what you spend. Create different envelope’s for different expenses and only spend what is in the envelope.
- Have a list, and don’t go grocery shopping hungry. When we go grocery shopping hungry sometimes we end up picking up ‘extras’ we don’t really need. Make sure you eat before you go, take stock of what is already in your cupboards, and stick to the list! You CAN eat healthy on a budget. Avoid fast food, pre-packaged foods, and junk like chips and cookies. Save those items for treats and instead spend your money on fruits, veggies, and lean meats!
- Take advantage of coupons and shop the sales. There are several coupon apps you can use, and tons of websites you can print coupons from, like gocoupon.ca, save.ca, and websaver.ca. Make sure you look through store flyers to find the best deals and match coupons to the sales!
- Make your own cleaning supplies and save yourself tons of money. You can find tons of DIY recipes that cost very little to make, and last way longer than the stuff you buy in stores! Plus they are greener, and healthier for you to use!
- Walk when you can. Save money on gas, save the environment, and walking is so good for you!
- Skip the gym membership and work out at home. You can find inexpensive home gym equipment that takes up very little space and workout in your room. Look for workouts that take up very little room, like these 6 workouts that you don’t need any equipment for!
For even more money saving tips and ideas, check out LowestRates.ca’s Back to School Money Saving Guide for Students. They have tips on everything from cellphone plans, to transportation, to student aid. They really dug deep to find the BEST tips and advice! Even if you are not a student, these tips are great for any young adult who’s preparing to leave the nest! I know I learned a few things when I read through the guide!