Therapeutic Diets: A Quick Overview and Primer

Therapeutic diets are composed of meal plans restricting certain foods. This could include omission of certain nutrients. Or, restrictions on what the follower can drink.

Ever spent time at the hospital? If so, you’ve likely been on one during recovery. An example would include the “liquid diet” to help ease your body and stomach back to normal foods.

Therapeutic diets have gone mainstream because most are backed by science and medical professionals. And, how we’ve become more attuned to our bodies (what we can/cannot have). Many practitioners see these as an opportunity to lose weight without worry. Others do so because of medical conditions.

Interested in these diets, their purpose, and routine? Read on…

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Three Tips for Building Muscle

If you want to gain muscle fast, you need to treat your diet like a scientific equation. Ask yourself, what has been scientifically proven to be the best way to build muscle? There is no doubt that it takes a lot of discipline to follow strict guidelines when you are trying to build muscle fast. If you are serious, that’s what it takes!


4 Tips for Blemished Skin

When you have blemished skin, it can really do a number on your self-esteem. It’s not easy to look at yourself in the mirror without feeling frustrated and just wanting the problems to go away.

And while there’s no magic cure for blemished skin, there are things you can do to help reduce blemishes from acne. There are several different types of blemishes in this category including pimples, cysts, and blackheads.

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Five More Running Tips for Beginners

I’ve done articles with running tips for beginners and advanced runners before, but there is always something new and beneficial for us to learn. I love learning knew tips that will help me run easier and more effectively. I’ve said in past articles, you should start small, use the right running gear, stay motivated, etc. This article has 5 more running tips.

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