If you are like most people, you are busier than busy. Family, career, responsibilities in your home, and education are all part of your life. Suddenly, you recognize that quite a bit of time has passed you by in your busy-ness. You may start to notice going up and down the stairs hurts your knees a little bit more, and you may notice that your back is not as strong as it used to be when you were younger.
How Pilates Helps Runners
Running and Pilates are two different exercises – running involves a rather high-impact, repeated motion while Pilates is low-impact and varied. However, Pilates is said to be an excellent complement to running. Here are some of the ways these two exercises can work in synergy.
11 Amazing NaNoWriMo Tools
For those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The event takes place in November. During the month of November, writers (novices and pros alike) write a total of 50,000 words. It’s an exciting month long event to kick your butt into gear if you have ever wanted to write a novel.
7 Simple Christmas Crafts
This year my mom and I have been on a Christmas Craft making Binge! We have been pouring over pinterest crafts and making everything in sight! I’m not much of a crafter, so simple things only please!
Gifts for Girls Who Love Sports
Do you have a girl in your life who loves getting active, playing sports, and watching them on TV? Check out my list of Gifts for Girls Who Love Sports! I know I would have LOVED these gifts when I was younger!
Gifts for Active Moms
Do you know an active mom?
Check out these gifts for active moms and you are sure to hit a home run!
Common Makeup Expiration Dates
The other day I read this little ‘tip’… “Adding a few drops of water to dried out mascara will make it last longer.” I cringed. Many, many people ignore makeup expiration dates. Did you know you can get nasty infections from using old makeup?