Let’s talk Vitamins! What kind are you taking? Continue Reading
30 Day Fitness Challenge, can you do it?
Summer is getting closer and closer and I decided to set a few challenges for myself for the next 30 days, I hope you will join me! This 30 Day Fitness Challenge will help us achieve a healthier mind and body!
Leg Day Workout – 8 Simple Moves!
After sharing my Arm Day Workout, I thought I should also share my Leg Day Workout.
Arm Day Workout – 6 Simple Moves!
This Arm Day Workout is easy and quick. These 6 simple moves require very little equipment and space. All you need is weights and 10-15 minutes and you are well on your way to toned arms!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Cookie Bites
These Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Cookie Bites will satisfy a sweet tooth without the guilt. Each cookie has 2 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein, with only 107 calories! Best of all? The are quick, easy, and don’t require any baking!
How to Layer your Skin care products the right way.
I have been dealing with very acne-prone skin since I was about 13. For 14 years I have tried every thing I can find to help and have found nothing that works long term. Lately I have been developing my own skincare routine with some new products and some products I’ve used for a long time. I’m learning how to layer your skin care products the right way.
I have about 8 products split between morning and night routines, but what I found myself asking was how do I layer the products to get the best results? I did a bit of research and through my own trial and error I found this is the best method.