My sister recently introduced me to SMASH book products, and I am hooked! I have been scrapbooking on and off for a few years but I am honestly not that crafty, and I feel like I don’t have a great eye for detail, so it takes a long time for me to actually finish a page. The problem is I love to shop and have collected a lot of scrapbooking items I rarely use.
With the SMASH book I feel it’s more laid back, and meant to be messier, with less of a theme then a typical scrapbook. You just ‘smash’ in your pictures, movie tickets, concert stubs… Keep all your memories intact. There are no rules. Your SMASH book is YOU. What you love, and what makes you smile, however you want to represent it. I love it.

SMASH book defines ‘Smash’ as “the act of sticking your cool stuff into this awesome book.”