How to get six pack abs in the winter.

For a lot of people cold weather means winter weight gain. Winter weight gain happens for a number of reasons like not wanting to go to the gym to exercise, not being able to exercise outdoors, eating more during holidays, and all this means you pack on the pounds. But for some people, winter is when they make amazing changes to their physiques. How can you avoid the cold weather blues and make it work for you?

How to get six pack abs in the winter.

How to get six pack abs in the winter.

Bodybuilding in the Winter:

Bodybuilders tend to train in two different phases. Phase one is muscle training, where they focus on building new muscle and phase two is cutting out fat, where they trim the fat off of newly built muscle.

In order to get six pack abs you need to do two things; you need to gain ab muscle and you need to get rid of the fat that’s preventing your abs from showing. Athletes and bodybuilders split these steps into two phases for best results and you can take advantage of their technique too.

Winter is an excellent time to focus on building muscle because you wear a lot of clothes and cover up your body and you can focus on building muscle and your progress won’t be visible to others.

By the time summer rolls around you will have lots of muscles and you can focus on cutting back the fat!

Winter is the ideal time to focus on muscle growth, because you’re naturally wearing a lot of clothing to cover up your body. You don’t have to worry about looking sexy just yet. You can focus on building muscles, even if your progress isn’t visible.

During the summer, you’ll cut back on the fat and have amazing six pack abs.

Exercises for building abs:

The number one exercises for building strong abs are leg lifts and pull-ups. Sit-ups are the most famous ab exercise but they just aren’t efficient enough.

You could take 30 minutes to do 100 sit-ups and to get the same workout you could 20 leg lifts or 10 pull-ups in under 5 minutes. So completing a few sets each will take you no time at all.

You can work your abs every day or every two days during winter. Combine this with cardio and strength training and kick your metabolism up a notch! You’ll be building muscles in no time!

Switching Gears:

When winter ends change your focus from working out to cleaning up your diet. Cut down on saturated fat and anything processed. Focus on cutting out fat in your diet instead of building muscles.

Of course, you always want to maintain a steady workout schedule to maintain your newly built muscles. You can cut down on your workouts to a couple times a week to maintain muscles.

This is how you use cold winter weather to your advantage! You can really focus on building strong abs and then cut back on the fat in your diet when the weather gets warmer!

One Comment

  1. This. Is. Awesome. I seriously want to do this right now. Oh wait I’m totally lazy. Stay warm and happy learning!

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